Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's Tuesday...

So, I haven't been on here in a while and I really have no excuses. I just forget that I have it and that my plan was to write as often as possible.

Still haven't done much at all with my book which is really disappointing to me. I really do hope to get it published this year. In order to do that, though, I have to finish writing it.  I don't know what I'm so afraid of... it's a good book and should be easy to pull together and finish up. Yet, when I think about working on it my mind races 100 miles an hour the other direction. It's so frustrating.

My Pampered Chef has gotten off to a fantastic start.  My first show was over $500 and I have 5 more booked.  I had a really good time and wasn't too nervous and didn't stumble over my words at my first show so hopefully that means this is a good direction to take while trying to finish my book.

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day who has her own business and she invited me to come work with her in April at a tourney selling her specialty kettle corn.  I readily accepted - it sounds like a blast!! And... they're going to pay me to help out.  Can't beat that - a day full of laughter, people having fun, good treats and MONEY!!! lol

I have also recently reinforced my qualifications as a techie nerd!!  I have an iPhone that I absolutely love. There are tons of apps - some cool, some not.  I found one the other day called CardStar.  You enter in your store cards like Marsh Fresh Idea, Kroger Plus, Staples Rewards, CVS ExtraCare, etc... and then at the store, they're supposed to be able to scan it and never have to dig for the cards again or have a hundred little keychain cards flopping around.  Sounds cool, huh? Imagine my disappointment when it didn't work at Marsh. Or at Staples. Bummer.  Well, last night I went to pick up my happy pills from CVS and guess what? IT WORKED!!! The cashier was almost as excited as I was! lol  I know... dumb, but it made my day.

Hopefully I will be able to buckle down and write this week while Brianna is out of town with my mom and I have several quiet hours each morning. I need to balance time between writing and Pampered Chef so that I can make the best of both work out for me and my family.

God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. I know you can get it all done. Sometimes when we are depressed things hold us back. Even when we don't think we are depressed. There are times when I don't feel like doing anything because I don't want to. Even though I don't work I need time off too! :)
