Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catching up

Thanks, Jen, for texting me and reminding me that I had a blog on here!!! lol We've had a hectic week and I really didn't spend much time on the computer at all. So... here goes some week in review. :D
First off we had some major drama... one of the girls from our youth group who is supposed to be really good friends with both my daughters told some petty and stupid lies to my youngest daughter and then denied it to everyone who knew the truth. She also told a couple of major lies and with those - Ciara is done with her. She refuses to talk to her at all and I really can't blame her because they were hurtful lies. I'm hopeful that she'll heal and learn to forgive her soon. Brian and I are supposed to be helping these kids not shutting them out because they can't play well with others. This drama went on most of the week. Ugh.
Wednesday night we had our weekly "date" with Rachel at Subway. We love going there and having dinner with her on her break. She's the manager on nights so it's the only way we get to see her except for weekends - when everyone else wants some of her time too. lol I have to say, besides my Sarah, she's my favorite kid from church. ;-)
Friday night we were supposed to have a bunch of kids over to play wii games but that fell through. My oldest daughter decided she would go visit some friends when the roads were still bad. Luckily, she left my youngest at the house they were visiting with Rachel and she and Jessie were alone in the car. The skidded on ice, spun around and ran smack into a solid steel mail post, breaking off the mailbox. I'm pretty sure her car is totalled unless my step dad can fix it. Craziness. I'm tired of drama and craziness. I want peace and quiet.
This weekend, we went to a birthday party for one of our youth leaders and hung out for a few hours then came home to watch Ciara and her friend Brooke W. play the wii. Ciara got a game called Just Dance with her Christmas money and they danced for hours. It was hilarious!! I didn't participate because I feeling the effects of no allergy medication since last Tuesday. And we proceeded to miss church on Sunday because I couldn't function. My eyes were puffy and I felt awful.
Then, this Tuesday I went to see an allergist for the first time in my life. At the time I was wishing I had waited even longer!! lol I ended up being pricked in the back 72 times with different allergens, some beginning to burn and itch immediately. Then another 22 shots in my arms, some blowing up almost instantly and driving me crazy cause I couldn't touch them. Turns out I'm allergic to most everything with fur, most grasses, most weeds, most trees, dust, dust mites and cockroach feces. I will be starting shots in 2 weeks which consists of 3 shots per week for a year and then every other week for a year and then every 3 weeks for a year and then monthly for one to two years. Within 5 years, I won't be allergic to anything. That will be absolutely wonderful!!
The answer to your question is.... no. I have not touched my book this week like I planned. Please pray that I'm feeling better tomorrow morning so I can stay up when I get Ciara off to school and actually spend some quality time updating and adding to my book. I need to get it done.
If I don't get my book done and published almost immediately, I will have to find a full-time job to help keep our family afloat financially. That depresses me immensely because I love being home but not being broke. Please join me in praying for guidance and the words and actions necessary for the best possible outcome and for God's Will to be fulfilled in me.
Ok, Jenn... there's your update!! lol You may have to remind me daily if you remember. haha
God bless!

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