Friday, January 11, 2013

Ninja Fanatic!

I first discovered Ninja blending systems a couple years ago via an infomercial on early morning tv. It was AWESOME! It attacks fruits and vegetables like they are butter. They showed all these amazing recipes and health benefits (and some party drinks) that can be made faster and smoother with these different blenders. I probably watched their infomercials a couple thousand times over the past couple of years. Always wishing.... We just couldn't afford it yet.

Well, Christmas 2012, Santa was supposed to bring me the Mega Kitchen System but he hurt his shoulder and didn't work for several months so he tried to order it on the easy-pay plan. They don't accept debit cards and we don't have a credit card so it was never ordered but didn't tell us. So I was watching the mail every day in excited anticipation for a blender that wasn't coming. So frustrating. Then I checked the site's "Where's My Order" option and it had no record of my hubster's phone number or email. FUMING MAD!!! I thought he didn't order it. He called their support line and it took over 30 minutes for their very own rep to determine it was because he tried to use his bank card and they don't accept them for easy-pay.

I tried really hard not to let disappointment settle in, but it was difficult. This blender was the main ingredient to our life improvement goals this year. Our regular blender just can't handle the raw food blending that we are trying to start. It takes f o r e v e r to blend one smoothie. And they aren't very smooth.

After some serious discussions and research, we decided that we could start with a smaller set instead of the Mega System and then upgrade after he gets back to work. Then, I was blessed with a 20% off coupon for Bed, Bath and Beyond in my email inbox yesterday. I forwarded it to the hubster and GUESS WHO GOT HER NINJA YESTERDAY!!!!! :) We got the Ninja Professional 1100W with two travel cups. We'll get the Mega System in a few months. I'm quite happy with that decision.

I was so excited when I got home! Our first blend was silly and mostly for entertaining Tristan. It was just strawberry milk. Then, in the travel cup, I added some blueberries, plain yogurt, milk, honey and agave and blended for just a couple minutes. It was so smooth! And incredibly yummy! I put some in a cup for Tristan but it was too thick. So, we made him a bowl of baby oatmeal and stirred the smoothie into it. He loved it! He ate two bowls of it. Then he was a happy boy. He was laughing, playing, hugging and kissing. He climbed up into my lap and we were talking and he passed out. Mid-giggle. So sweet!

This morning, I blended blackberries, banana, honey, agave, Vi-Shake Mix, and milk for a yummy breakfast smoothie. In less than half the time of my regular blender. Fantastic! I would advise anyone who wants to start raw food blending to get a high speed blender. I especially recommend the Ninja because it is so affordable compared to some of the others.

Hope you all have a happy Friday and great weekend!

In His Love,


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