Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Go ahead and laugh... ;)

I have a newly self-diagnosed disorder... OCD or Obessive Coupon Disorder. Hahahahaha. I saw that on a blog and had to use it because it is so true! I'm spending hours on Facebook and Twitter these days, not to socialize, but to scour for coupons. My hubster makes fun of me yet he looks for them as well!! lol He even asked some of his friends at work who collect sports cards where to find the pocket pages I was looking for to organize my coupon binder. Guess what? One of them GAVE him about 30 six-pocket pages for me. How exciting is that? Once I get my daughter and her husband moved in, I will be able to spend a little bit of time getting organized. I can't wait for my first BIG coupon shop. I've done a couple of small ones already and was absolutely thrilled to see that I saved 87% off my total by using coupons and a customer rewards card. YAY!!!

 So, here is a picture of my binder, pages and my stack of coupons to be sorted and filed.
And this is my pretty pink and brown binder to put all the coupons in!! I got this several years ago when I attempted to be a student at UoP. (I don't recommend that anyone goes there - at least not the Indy campus!!)

Look for more updates as I get the hang of this!! :)

Until next time...

In His Love,



  1. i've wondered if it is worth doing coupons. before i didn't find it worth it. i had to buy name brand items that were more expensive and the coupon never saved me much. i will have to look back into it.

  2. It's very time consuming, Joy. My binder is packed with tons of coupons. I spend a lot of time looking for specific coupons online and printing them, cutting out all the coupons and sorting and filing them into the slots in 40 categories. It's worth it - especially since we now have Brianna, Michael and Jessie living here too.
