Friday, June 3, 2011

Extreme Adventure

Imagine my surprise last Friday when I opened my email to find a message from Marsh Supermarkets announcing that they were TRIPLING coupons for four days to celebrate Memorial Day!! As a novice couponer, I was really excited for this to be my first attempt at being extreme. I'd had several small trips that I was able to do well on, but nothing like the people on TV.

So... Friday evening, my hubster and I set out for the Pendleton Marsh and tried our hand at this.

We picked up 12 packages of hot dogs, 4 Compleats Meals, 8 yogurts, 3 flavored mayos, 4 spaghetti sauces, 5 protein bars, 2 prepared sides, 10 ears of corn, 2 different boxes of cracker chips, a package of doggie treats and two containers of cat litter.

Our first transaction total before coupons was $125.87. Marsh card savings = $33.24, Manufacturer coupons = $22.08, BONUS tripled coupons = 37.43 for a grand savings total of $97.25, 75%. $32.03 out of pocket. Awesome!!

The second transaction was $21.06. Marsh savings = 4.21, Manufacturer coupons = $4.50, BONUS = $9.00 for a grand savings total of $17.71, 84%,  and $3.35 out of pocket.

As you can imagine, that whet my appetite for savings, so I planned a shopping trip with my mom for Saturday afternoon. There were TONS of people there with their binders, accordion files and envelopes. It was fantastic. I also gave several coupons away that I wouldn't be able to use before the expiration date.      Here's our take:
 Transaction #1 was $277.40. Marsh savings = $36.74, Mfr coupons = $54.80, BONUS = $103.38, 71%. The first transaction had most of the meat on it, so the savings were expected to be a little lower. Still quite impressive though!! :)

The second was a little bit smaller and started out at $185.64. Marsh savings = $41.67, Mfr coupons = $36.55, BONUS = $67.10, 78% and $40.32 out of pocket. This one had the rest of the meat. Still not too shabby!!
 The third transaction was quite a bit smaller and had the duplicate items that we had to break out due to triple coupon limits. It started out at $70.76. Marsh savings = $13.96, Mfr coupons = $14.45, BONUS = $28.90, 82% and $13.45 out of pocket. Pretty darn cool!!

The final transaction was one jar of peanut butter. It was $1.99 and I had a $0.50 coupon that tripled to $1.50, making the peanut butter $0.49.

And that's the extent of our trip on Saturday.
 The whole thing took about 5 hours from the time we left my house to the time we returned and the store was in Noblesville - less than 20 minutes away. My cashier, Kari, was awesome! She helped keep track of the coupons and products to make sure we got all the savings we planned on. Our check out guy high fived me when it was all said and done and we had saved $399.04. He couldn't wait to tell his mom about it!! lol
I took a bunch of pictures of my haul, obviously, so that you could see all the stuff we got. It was a great time but extremely exhausting. I can't wait to do it again! :) Happy couponing to you all!!

In His Love,


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